Fearfully and wonderfully created to proclaim His glorious works 

God is compassionate. He does everything to ensure we have a life of ease. His love is unconditional. He desires that we glorify Him through His work in our lives. If God cares so much about the details in our body definitely He will be concerned about our challenges.

Whenever we are overwhelmed by fear of life let us run to Him. We can do this through Jesus Christ; in ourselves we are not qualified because of the sin in us. Jesus Christ is the perfect sacrifice whose blood blots away our sins.

Jesus Christ is daily interceding for us. Let Him know your fears and concerns for “He says come to me all of you that are in labour.” Labour could be fear, anxiety, pain, bitterness or sickness. Jesus is ready to give you rest. When He gives you rest from your labours you will experience peace.

I will give thanks and praise to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well. Psalms 139:14 (AMP)

Prayers to God for we are Fearfully and Wonderfully Created

  • I praise you Lord for creating me wonderful and beautiful for you.
  • You alone understand my intricate body system, please keep it in perfect shape.
  • Lord give me rest from the overwhelming labours pulling me down.
  • Equip me to face the challenges of each day.
  • Grant me good success in what ever I lay my hands upon.
  • Let the wonders of Your work be evident in my life.

All this I pray for through Jesus Christ. (Amen)

For more prayers visit my Facebook page and connect. You can also follow me on Instagram for the daily tips your soul requires or read my tweets on twitter.  The Word of God is rich and inexhaustible the more you read the better you become. Visit here for complete daily verse for a month.

Appreciate God with this Hymn Praise to the Lord the Almighty  the God of all creation. You can get more hymns on my YouTube channel

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