Relinquish Worry Receive Peace and be free from fear

 Relinquish worry receive peace Daily Soul Feast for day 26 September is from Matthew Six verse Twenty Five (Matthew 6:25). This is a very simple instruction that is meant to free us yet we find it so difficult to follow. Why? It is a sign of unbelief; trusting God and believing Him to do what He has promised to do help us to overcome worry. This is the word of encouragement we all long to hear in moment when the storm of life seems to be overflowing us. We get worried because we think we are drowning and helpless. 

The storms seem to be gaining upper hand but this usually is temporary however our fear make it appear as if we have lost all. We should learn not to live in fear for God took care of the past and He can be relied upon to take care of the future. Most things we fear and worry about may never happen.

Relinquish worry receive peace when you cast your anxiety at Jesus feet. Let’s trust God for each moment and the next and we will begin to experience more peace.

“So I tell you, don’t worry about the food or drink you need to live, or about the clothes you need for your body. Life is more than food, and the body is more than clothes. Matthew 6:25 (NCV)


  1. Lord forgive me for doubting Your promise. Help me to believe Your ability to solve my problems.

2. I relinquish and surrender the heavy load of worry to you please lift it off me and deliver me from its bondage.

3.  Give me keys to new doors in replacement for all my former closed doors which has made me become helpless and worried.

4. Raise help for me by directing me to the right people that will render a helping hand.

5. Give me peace concerning every area of my pain and peace in replacement for all the burdens I have relinquished to You.

6. Show me a token of your love and keep me secured in you. Whenever I get afraid give me the grace to trust You.


For more prayers visit my Facebook page and connect. You can also follow me on Instagram for the daily tips your soul requires or read my tweets on twitter.  The Word of God is rich and inexhaustible the more you read the better you become. Visit here for complete daily verse for a month.

Appreciate God with this Hymn Great is Your faithfulness  oh God my Father. You can get more hymns on my YouTube channel and we hope you find this article valuable. Please relate your experience and let us know how best we can adapt the post to meet your spiritual needs. 

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