Daily soul feast for Day 1 October. Everything God creates is meant to provide for our upkeep here on earth. All we need is to trust God to bless everyone and everything He gives us to yield prosperity for us. We have a right through Jesus Christ to enjoy spiritual, emotional, physical and financial prosperity. They are all gifts of God for us His children. As a Prince, Princess, Priest, or Priestess of God the wealth in our father’s house is our inheritance. The powers of darkness cannot take it away from us! We are to flourish in prosperity all the way; for as long as we occupy our place. Sin is the tool the enemy can use to dethrone us, let us be alert always. We can only be limited by our imagination, if we are wise everything around us will transform to become productive by the power of God.
May the land enjoy prosperity; may it experience righteousness. Psalms 72:3 (GNT)

- Lord thank you for all the provision for our well being present in everything you have created.
2. Give me peace to prosper doing the work you have committed to my hands.
3. Bless the work of my hands. Do not let the fruit of any of my labour be destroyed.
4. Open my eyes to the things I need to do right so that what you have created for my use will yield fruit of prosperity to me.
5. By Your mercy compensate me with fruits of abundance for all my labours done with integrity.
6. Weed out every satanic weed sown into my farm. Weeds in form of sickness, accidents, robberies, unexplained losses and all other weeds that are meant to limit my prosperity.
All these I pray for through Jesus Christ. (Amen)
For more prayers visit my Facebook page and connect. You can also follow me on Instagram for the daily tips your soul requires or read my tweets on twitter. The Word of God is rich and inexhaustible the more you read the better you become. Visit here for complete daily verse for a month.
Sing Hymns as they are great for worship and prayers in itself. Appreciate God with these Hymns Marvelous Grace of our loving God and Bless the Lord Oh My Soul It contain the lyrics and tonic solfa. You can get more hymns on my YouTube channel
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