Banking career is a sought after profession that is relevant in every Society and will remain so for long. Gradual introduction of robots to take over jobs cannot replace the need for human interface in the Banking Industry. Bankers will still be required to act as medium for virtual money and online businesses.
I have come across young graduates who consider Banking a good career choice without knowing what the job actually entails. Haven worked in the Banking sector for over two decades I consider it a good career choice based on my experience. Hence this post our young graduates would have a feel of Banking even before submitting job applications.
Banks play vital role in any economy as they handle a commodity desired by everyone. This account for why Bankers are held in high esteem as such a career in Banking is therefore considered honorable. In addition Banks have a visual appealing working environment with up to date infrastructures and technology. Consequently job seekers feel secured if recruited by a Bank.
Besides Banks offers more benefits to graduates when compared with some other professions. Such benefits include:
Good salaries paid promptly hence staff are sure of meeting food and basic necessities at month end.
Employees get to meet people and win their trust. Also they get to prove their worth which endears people to them.
Bankers can be depended on when it comes to issue of confidentiality.
Employees gain recognition and there is opportunity to grow on the job.
You can benefit from wide variety of employment opportunities offered by Banks to graduates. Specifically Banks have front and back offices which accommodate graduates from any field of study. Furthermore young graduates can easily fit into one of the numerous sections in view of the Bank’s training program in place.
Bank’s have employees that:
- Handle Customer’s cash
- Take care of the Technical and Technology aspect
- Work on Credit related issues
- Are Marketers sourcing for funds
- Handle the Bank’s security needs
- Coordinate advertisement.
The opportunities are limitless for graduates from almost every field of study in the Banking sector.
Banks provides adequate training for newly recruited staff to make them integrate seamlessly with existing work processes.
After years of work Bankers acquire diverse skills and people management art that society begin to see them as near perfection. Notwithstanding a young job seeker need to have basic qualification that can be improved upon during the working career.
Graduates with a first degree in Banking and Finance, Accounting and the Social Sciences are suitable as Bank employees but generally Banks are not too rigid on these degrees alone. Graduates require a good degree to enable them communicate well and understand instructions in addition to interpreting figures.
Similarly a second degree and professional qualification is essential for accelerated growth on the job.
As an aspiring Banker acquisition of professional qualification will be an added advantage to your career. The Chartered Institute of Bankers conducts the Banking professional examinations in Nigeria. Read more about the requirement from CIBN
Academic qualifications only will not sustain or guarantee your success as a Banker. You need to complement your certificate with essential personal attributes. Example of these attributes are:
ASTUTE AND ABILITY TO LEARN FAST- PROVERBS 14:15 (AMP)The naive or inexperienced person [is easily misled and] believes every word he hears, But the prudent man [is discreet and astute and] considers well where he is going. DILIGENCE - PROVERBS 10:4 (ESV) A slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes rich.
INTEGRITY - PROVERBS 11:3 (AMP)The integrity and moral courage of the upright will guide them, But the crookedness of the treacherous will destroy them.
HARDWORKING - COLOSSIANS 3:23 (NCV)In all the work you are doing, work the best you can. Work as if you were doing it for the Lord, not for people.
ABILITY TO ACT WITH DISCRETION AND BRIDLE YOUR TONGUE- PROVERBS 12:23 (GNT) Smart people keep quiet about what they know, but stupid people advertise their ignorance.
TRUSTWORTHY PROVERBS 12:22 (NIV)The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy.
HUMILITY - PROVERBS 29:23 (AMP)A man’s pride and sense of self-importance will bring him down, But he who has a humble spirit will obtain honor.
I bet you are thinking Banking Career is sweet all the way! This thinking may not be correct for you will encounter saints and sinners in the course of your career. Be prepared to face the challenges posed by each group.
You can avoid falling victim of trials in Banking when are on guard bearing in mind that not everyone coming to the Bank have genuine intentions. Some are sinners in disguise whose only motive is to defraud the Bank and bolt away with money. With this in mind you should not be overly friendly with customers or potential customers as it could make you become susceptible to the antics of these fraudsters.
Bank Robberies
There are risks of armed robberies in the Bank which are known to have sometimes claim the lives of some bank staff. This should not scare you as every career has it’s own peculiar risk. You just need to exercise care and be prayerful so as not to fall prey when these bad elements operate.
Extended Working Hours
Banking career entails long hours of work therefore you may sometimes have to work late into the night. This could expose you to unscrupulous elements so make adequate arrangement to mitigate the inconvenience.
Loss of Your Savings
Banks will sometimes compel staff to refund losses incurred on transactions. Such refunds could be for:
- Customers unpaid facilities
- Cash shortages declared by tellers
- Drawings improperly authorized
- Losses incurred as a result of work negligently done.
These repayments could be your entire life savings or even terminal benefits hence you need to learn to work with caution.
Arrest By Government Agencies Due To:
- Customer’s complaints
- Work decisions that run foul of financial regulations
- Incidence of Fraud
In view of this choose your friends wisely and be focused. Furthermore avoid open display of your assets or wealth and be conservative.
I know from experience that Banking career is dynamic requiring a dynamic person that can advance with the trend. A young graduate having what it takes will record a rewarding and fulfilling career.
Below Are Some Tips For a Successful Banking Career
- Be Professional in all your dealings.
- Your signature is authority, guard the use jealously. In addition be ready and able to defend transactions you authorized even in years to come.
- Familiarize yourself with financial regulations.
- Be meticulous and document every transaction properly. Also do not satisfy customers by sidelining procedures or guidelines.
- In addition to training offered by the Bank always improve your knowledge skill constantly especially in Technology.
- Dont live a life defined for you by people. Always be whom you are “YOURSELF”
- In addition maintain a high level of integrity.
- Banking career is time consuming so be wise and learn to maintain a balance between work and your personal life.
- Maintain a healthy relationship with the people outside for these are people you will relate with when the Banking career comes to an end.
- Be prayerful, give God priority in your life and He will guide you.
Despite the trials and sometimes travails of Banking, the career is enjoyable as it also has it’s thrills. If Banking career is what interests you then go for it as you will not discover your strength if you dont try it out.

I pray God will give you the necessary wherewithal to make a mark as you acquire your own life career experience.
Equipped with this knowledge you are in possession of tools that will aid your success as a would be Banker.
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No one can remove the teacher in you. From training school to your busy desk as BDM. Always inspiring!.
Thanks my brother.
It is indeed regrettable that business men and women has driven out the professionals from their own industry.
It is just for a short time. They can not hold the forte for too long. The professionals will always be on ground to take their rightful place.