Abide With Me. Playing on saxophone

ABIDE WITH ME HYMN A03 m:-m: r: d:- s:- l: s: s f m:-:-:- Abide with me fast falls the eventide m:- f s: l:- s:- f: r: m: fe s:-:- The darkness deepens; Lord, with me abide! m:- m r: d:- s:- s: f: f m: r:- When other helpers fail and comforts flee, r:- … Read more



DOUBLE GRACE: BLESS THE LORD OH MY SOUL  A01 The Double Grace of God has kept me to see this day and greater grace He has given me to sing His praise.  Chorus m: s: l: l: s: m: Bless the Lord oh my soulr: m: r: d: l:- Oh my soul l: d: s: … Read more


Achatina Fulica

Achatina Fulica

Achatina Fulica. Smallest amongst the Giant African Snails used for farming.


Achatina Fulica are common garden snails. I call them “Wakawaka” or Busy Bodies” They are always on the move even in daytime when others are resting. It is easy to see them in your backyard when the ground is wet.
Couple of years ago I introduced a few into my backyard. Ever since they have been residents. They fend for themselves and are able to survive hard seasons. When I decided to revisit snail farming I found them in abundance in my garden when it rained.

“I have made the earth, the men and the animals that are on the face of the earth by My great power and by My outstretched arm, and I will give it to whomever pleases Me.


They lay eggs in abundance even before reaching a reasonable body size.

Eggs of Achatina Fulica
Achatina Fulica newly laid eggs.

Achatina Fulica lay over hundred eggs at a time. The eggs are tiny and so are the babies. Many of the babies will die within a few days after hatching if they are not handled with care. It is not easy caring for the fragile babies because they are so many and come in quick succession.

Their slow growth is a disadvantage when compared with other giant African snail species that mature faster.


They are so common that one can unknowingly step on them. It has a long body segmented into 7 to 9 spirals. These spirals are also called whorls, the body is brownish in color with white/creamish stripes.  You can easily identify them by the pointed tip or apex peculiar to the Achatina species.

Achatina Fulica growth stages.
Achatina Fulica in different stages of growth.

Though they are part of the African Giant snail family this species don’t grow as fast as the others. They are the smallest in size among the ones recommended for snail farming.


Caring for Achatina Fulica is easy and inexpensive. Although they are slow growers, farming these snails for consumption is worthwhile if you have a space to keep them. They feed on almost every type of plants and fruits. Household waste which ordinarily would have been thrown into the trash can be given to them and they will grow well.

Achatina Fulica feeding on household waste.
Feeding Achatina Fulica with potato, carrots and cabbage peels.

The moment you have them they will always be there as they multiply very fast and will be meat for the soup pot.

PSALMS 104:13 -14 (ESV)
From your lofty abode you water the mountains; the earth is satisfied with the fruit of your work. You cause the grass to grow for the livestock and plants for man to cultivate, that he may bring forth food from the earth

When the condition of the place where they are kept becomes unfavorable they will burrow to the ground and have a lengthy sleep!


The Achatina Fulica for sometime were the only species in my pen and they were doing fine. The moment I introduced matured Archachatina Marginata species all that changed. Within a week of the arrival of Archachatina Marginata species I began to see holes in the shell of Achatina Fulica. Some of those holes were so wide that the flesh protrudes out and after some days the snail dies off. Over time most of the Achatina Fulica suffered the same fate.

Achatina Fulica cannibalised
Achatina Fulica cannibalised

There is enough calcium provided for all the snails in the pen but somehow it appears the Archachatina Marginata just don’t want to share space with the Achatina Fulica. The shell of juvenile Archachatina Marginata is thicker and stronger than the shell of Achatina Fulica of the same age.

It is good to separate snails of the same species into different pens to reduce cannibalism.


Achatina Fulica is good for snail farming as hobby and for family consumption. I love using them in place of periwinkles for soup recipes. Despite their slow growth they are prolific breeders and are good sport for hobbyist like me.
If you are thinking of rearing Achatina Fulica for profit then look for the ones that are already very big. The bigger they are the bigger their eggs so also the babies.

8 months old Achatina Fulica
Over 8months old Achatina Fulica

Despite their growth limitation Achatina Fulica is good in the vegetable soup pot and other delicacies.

“Everything that moves, everything that is alive, is yours for food. Earlier I gave you the green plants, but now I give you everything for food.

I hope to construct an additional pen in no distance time so I can separate them.

Visit my blog for more post on other species of snails and discover the best ones to rear profit wise.

Feel free to share the link to this post with friends. Use it to equip yourself and others to become interested in rearing snails.

Read my other posts on snail farming for more inspiration:


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Post your suggestions and comments.

Further consultation on snail farming is available at a fee.

Email: yewun@recipe4growth.com

for further assistance.


Bonding with giant African snail pic 1

As humans we tend to bond with what we love. The essence is to form a mutually beneficial relationship. It is therefore not a misnomer bonding with giant African snail kept in captivity. We have edible snails in Africa and these snails are collectively called giant African snails. These snails are of different shapes and … Read more


Psalms 71 Great Effective Prayer

PRAYING PSALMS 71: POSSESS GREATER HONOR Psalms 71 is a beautiful prayer Psalms found in the Bible and written by King David; a man after God’s own heart. The prayers are still very relevant to us today. Prayer is our means of communing with God. Sometimes when we are on our knees we run short … Read more


Nugget for great financial returns


We all desire great financial returns or reap bountiful fruits from our labour. We invest in businesses, careers or a chosen endeavour with hope that the seed we have sown will germinate and give food to us the sower and the Bible supports that the hardworking farmer should be first to enjoy the fruits.


A hard-working farmer should have the first share of the crops.

In this modern age the evidence of fruitfulness is measured by the financial returns on our investment: be it investment of time, service, money or physical labour. Financial returns are not necessarily physical cash but it relates in totality; value added to the business that can be quantified in monetary terms.

Financial Returns manifest in categories. It can be small, minimal, moderate or great. This post will address ”Great Financial Returns”.

To achieve great financial returns requires willingness to go the extra mile by adding a touch of something beyond the basics where we are inclined to naturally stop. Below are some valuable nuggets for an extraordinary result.


Sometimes we don’t dream big because we don’t recognise or understand God’s promises for us. We stop dreaming because we feel the terrain we are operating in is too tough for us to reap great financial returns. Let me remind you that God created everything good and that includes you. God deposited in you a fighting spirit of excellence for you to fight and break forth to clinch His promises.

When you fight to excel; His promises will begin to manifest leading to great financial returns.

Knowing what you are entitled to will make you focused rather than chasing what God has not planned for you.


“They will plant their seeds in peace, their grapevines will have fruit, the ground will give good crops, and the sky will send rain.


ISAIAH 30:23 (GNT)
Whenever you plant your crops, the Lord will send rain to make them grow and will give you a rich harvest, and your livestock will have plenty of pasture.



Now all the work of Solomon was well-ordered from the day of the foundation of the house of the Lord until it was finished. So the house of the Lord was completed.

Great financial returns will not happen magically. You need to have plans geared towards the manifestation of your vision for a successful career, business and more. Set goals that are achievable, challenging and relevant to your vision.

LUKE 14:28-29 (GNT)
If one of you is planning to build a tower, you sit down first and figure out what it will cost, to see if you have enough money to finish the job. If you don’t, you will not be able to finish the tower after laying the foundation; and all who see what happened will make fun of you.

Goals require commitment.

Get to know what you need to do and be ready to work through knowing that the strength of God will sustain you.

LUKE 14:31 (NCV)
 “If a king is going to fight another king, first he will sit down and plan. He will decide if he and his ten thousand soldiers can defeat the other king who has twenty thousand soldiers.


A wise person recognizes that great continuous financial returns require power from a Supernatural source. This power comes when we trust and believe in God as our source of strength for making profit.

But remember the Lord your God is the one who makes you wealthy. He’s confirming the promise which he swore to your ancestors. It’s still in effect today.

Not every hard worker is able to get great returns. Some worked very hard but natural disasters destroyed their expected returns. Some took the right decision at the wrong time leading to the collapse of businesses they had invested their life savings.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know. Remember the Lord in everything you do, and he will show you the right way.

You can avert some challenges when you allow God to guide each step you take. When challenges occur as they sometimes do God gives you power to stand and open your eyes to the next path you should take that will yield results.

The name of the Lord is a strong fortress; the godly run to him and are safe.

God created you for a purpose and He is the one that brings a man’s plan to become a reality.

Many plans are in a man’s mind, but it is the Lord’s purpose for him that will stand.

The way God has made available for access to him is through Jesus Christ whereby you can communicate through prayer.

You have a better chance of great financial returns when God is involved.

All God requires of you is to walk in His ways.

“If you live by my decrees and obediently keep my commandments, I will send the rains in their seasons, the ground will yield its crops and the trees of the field their fruit.  You will thresh until the grape harvest and the grape harvest will continue until planting time; you’ll have more than enough to eat and will live safe and secure in your land.


Create a big mental picture of the returns you expect.  You are likely to get more of what you desire and prayed for. It is therefore important that your declaration should be positive.

PROVERBS 18:20-21 (MSG)
Words satisfy the mind as much as fruit does the stomach; good talk is as gratifying as a good harvest. Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit — you choose.

Have faith that God will bring to pass what He has promised. Operate your business with boldness. Lions in form of competition, opposition, downturn in economy and unforeseen situations will surface from time to time but the righteous are bold as a lion because their God is the creator of all things.

PSALMS 91:11-13 (NIV)
For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. You will tread upon the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent.


God has provided natural resources to get us started in our endeavours. We must be willingly to use what is available on hand to strive for great financial returns. As you finish up what God has provided for the initial work somehow provision for the next stage will become available. Your provision includes time, material, resources, skills, tools and people which must be generously utilised.

No cattle, no crops; a good harvest requires a strong ox for the plow.

The size of provision invested has a relationship with the size of financial returns you will get. Provision requires giving generously to a cause you believe in.


Financial returns are harvest of seeds that were planted at some point in time. Be ready to plant as God has ordained that planting must be continuous.

“As long as the earth continues, planting and harvest, cold and hot, summer and winter, day and night will not stop.”

You need to invest the best seeds if you desire great financial returns. Discover the best that God has given to you. God gives the nourishment to the seeds only after you have done your part by planting and maintaining your investment.

Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a hundredfold, because the Lord blessed him.

God has given me many seeds. Not all of them can bring me the same amount of returns. I have to pick the best out of the best God has given me. Sometimes the best could be more than one and when wisely combined together could give us the breakthrough that will make us to be financially free.

I have financial knowledge, teaching ability, beading and cooking skills but while I can teach and make money from teaching I cant say same for my cooking ability.

It is therefore essential you identify your viable money generating seed. Do not use other people’s seed, untested seed or wrong seed as it will not get you the desired returns. Saul put his armour on David but David was wise enough to know the seed was not meant for him.

He used the one God gave him though small (sling and stones) because it was already tested and backed by the power of God; it had better promise of success.

David reaped great returns because the defeat of Goliath brought him glory, honor, monetary and material reward.


Plowing requires passionate hard work. For every great financial return a high price must have been paid. Without inputs that cause you pain it will be near impossible to achieve great financial returns.

He who tills his land shall be satisfied with bread, but he who follows worthless pursuits is lacking in sense and is without understanding.

Plowing is hard labour, you will sweat and will sometimes want to give up but in the end the reward is sweet.


Potential for great financial returns is in you but you need wisdom to harness them and apply them appropriately. People are key for you to maximise your potentials. Get the right people to work for you and treat them well.

People are your customers: their patronage will determine the size of your harvest hence you need to acquire customer service skill.

Unite your workers let them understand the business goals and be of one mind as you earnestly pursue these goals.


Product is your output and this is vital to your great financial returns. The more people are willing to pay for your product the more your wealth will increase. Your product must meet a need in people’s life or solve a problem. People want a satisfactory product in return for the money they will release to you, exercise diligence and be concerned about the details of your product.

Be interested in the presentation, packaging, pricing, publicity of your product. Check for and address those things peculiar to the people in the environment where you are located.


Recognizing and knowing the purpose why you should consistently reap great financial returns will help you to stay focused and remain on track. Riches not managed properly will not last forever.

Wealth can vanish in the wink of an eye. It can seem to grow wings and fly away like an eagle.

Great financial returns are not to puff you but it should make you a better person. Aside from you reaping and eating the sweet fruit of your labour the great financial returns should touch the life of others.

You are more likely to reap consistent great returns if you value Corporate Social Responsibility, invest in the community where you are thriving, employ people around, pay for people’s services promptly and invest in God’s Kingdom. Don’t be too desperate to hoard financial returns for your own exclusive use only.

We leave this world just as we entered it — with nothing. In spite of all our work there is nothing we can take with us.


Success attracts both good and bad reactions. Your Great Financial Returns will not be readily accepted by everyone that surrounds you. You have to be ready to stay strong as opposition begins to come. Battle can be from competitors or from sources you never even imagined. Isaac was chased away from his land of success, he left all and went elsewhere but that did not put a stop to the battles he had to fight.

A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil.


It is God that brings great financial returns let His praise never cease from your lips.

Honor the Lord with your capital and sufficiency [from righteous labors] and with the firstfruits of all your income; So shall your storage places be filled with plenty, and your vats shall be overflowing with new wine.

Recognise the people that made it possible for you to achieve great financial returns. Your human resource are very important, appreciate them even when they are your cleaners or office support. Great financial returns cannot come from your personal effort alone.



Great Financial Returns may not come from your first attempt but if you are consistently making an effort you will have a sweet story to tell. Despite reaping a hundred fold in the first year Isaac did not become a wealthy man instantly. He went through process until he became rich and then wealthy. To sustain and increase what you have requires a process in which you are the active participant.


Digest these nuggets and discover a new you. Creditable performance of your role will keep your business moving forward. Act and let those close to you know you have discovered  precious truths that will transform your career.

Feel free to share the link to this post with friends. Use it to equip others to confront everyday  challenges and motivate them to move on in life.

If you find the post interesting you will be inspired by the following post:

Remember to comment and let me how it benefited you.

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Retirement Challenges



Retirement challenges are not a misnomer; if you are retired you may have been confronted with these challenges in various forms. As a retiree you  may have assumed retirement will be a time of rest for senior citizens from years of hard labour. A period that signals freedom from children’s educational expenses, cessation of house rent payment etc. You had expected it to be a period of financial comfort when you can utilize the gains from years of sacrificial labour. Much as every retiree desire a scenario like this; life sometimes dictates otherwise and retirees find themselves thrown into a valley of financial setback.

A situation like this is very challenging as problems that arise were never envisaged and neither are retirees as strong as they were in their youthful years to start another round of hard labour.

Notwithstanding difficulties encountered a retiree must be determined to successfully overcome retirement challenges as they occur.


  • ► Dictionary definition of valley refers to low area of land surrounded by a higher ground. Valley of financial setback in retirement means a retiree has sunken down financially. This can be as a result of business failures, health issues, life challenges, obstacles, problems, hindrances etc.
  • ► Financial setback is one form of Retirement challenges. It causes delay or deprivation of a retiree’s expected financial benefit.

If at any time in your retirement period you find yourself in this valley; remember it is a temporary halt in the journey of life. You have a choice to decide:

  •  If that halt should be your final stop Or continue the journey until you get to the right stop for your destination. 


The Bible contain stories of great men of faith that were pushed into a valley during their life time. These men never allowed that to be their final stop for they fought and got out of the valley. Today they  are regarded as great men because they overcame their setback.

Your life can become a great inspiration for others if you don’t remain stuck in the valley of financial setback.

Dont give up

  • David in his old age vacated the throne and ran for safety from his own son at a time he ought to be enjoying the reward of his successes from the battles fought in his youthful years.

2 SAMUEL 15: 13-14 (GOD'S WORD)
Someone came to tell David, “The hearts of the people of Israel are with Absalom.” David told all his men who were with him in Jerusalem, “Let’s flee immediately, or none of us will escape from Absalom. Let’s leave right away, or he’ll catch up to us and bring disaster on us when he massacres the city.”
  • Isaac was chased out of a land where he had established himself and wanted to eat the fruit of his labour.

    GENESIS 26 :16 (NLT)
    Finally, Abimelech ordered Isaac to leave the country. “Go somewhere else,” he said, “for you have become too powerful for us.”
  • Isaac started afresh elsewhere and dug several wells but whenever it was time for him to fetch the water others that did not dig with him  forcefully took possession of the well.

    GENESIS 26 :19-21 (NLT)
    Isaac’s servants also dug in the Gerar Valley and discovered a well of fresh water. But then the shepherds from Gerar came and claimed the spring. “This is our water,” they said, and they argued over it with Isaac’s herdsmen. So Isaac named the well Esek (which means “argument”). Isaac’s men then dug another well, but again there was a dispute over it. So Isaac named it Sitnah (which means “hostility”).
  • Isaac dug until he got the one that could not be taken away from him.

  • GENESIS 26 : 22 (NLT)
    Abandoning that one, Isaac moved on and dug another well. This time there was no dispute over it, so Isaac named the place Rehoboth (which means “open space”), for he said, “At last the Lord has created enough space for us to prosper in this land.” 
  • ► The valley is not just for lazy people but also a preparation ground for the mountain top for the hard worker.

  • God understands why you have to temporarily reside in the valley of financial setback. It is an indication that it is not yet time to take a rest. There are situations one can not plan ahead for but they must be confronted as they arise.
  • Just like Isaac you could not have planned for Government demolition of your property as a result of community development or how do you envisage that worthless rogues called land grabbers will claim ownership of property you spent your hard income to develop? So also natural disasters cannot be insured against.
  • You may have suffered setback but there is room enough to bounce back and become better off than you were before the setback. Setback experiences has equipped me to trust God more for guidance as I keep moving above the valley of financial setback. God is the one that holds the key to our destination.  You need to trust Him too.

  • Just remember that argument, fight, hostility and opposition will always arise as you travel life’s journey but how you react to it is what counts.

Like Isaac you have the option of getting out of the valley and move to the open space of prosperity at the mountain top.

I am inspired by the persistence of ducklings struggling to climb stairs towards their destination. Despite many falls they never gave up. Click to watch

This post is in two parts. If you enjoyed this first part you will find the second part very beneficial.

In this second part you get to read:  1) How to stay above the valley of financial setback 2) Lessons from those that successfully stayed above the valley of financial setback 3) Conclusion


Seeking solution to Retirement challenges requires an understanding of the challenge. Many problems retirees face in later life can be traced to paucity of funds. If you sincerely desire to stay above the valley of financial setback then you need to:

  • Know and avoid things that can take retirees to the valley of financial setback. Sometimes the valley can be avoided if retirees had critically examined their choices before implementation. Prevention is always better and retirees will be spared from needless pain. Be painstaking and endeavour to do what is right always. Get the needed facts before acting.
  • Know how you got into the valley of financial setback to avoid a reoccurrence. To get answers you may have to use these helpful powerful words: How did I get there or how could I have avoided getting there? Where did I miss my way? When did I start going down? What did I do wrongly? Which way should I have taken? Who could have advised me? How do I avoid a repeat of the wrong decisions?

The above are just examples of some soul searching questions that can help you work out a plan to get back to the mountain top of progress. The questions are not meant to input blames on yourself and neither is it meant to make you sink into the valley of regrets.

  • Getting out of the valley requires a decision to fight on no matter what it takes. Sometimes when I grumble my mother reminds me that the sun is yet to set for me meaning I have not yet lost all as I still have the precious gift of life. Being alive qualifies me to continue my journey so as to fulfill the purpose of God for my life. Stop looking at the carcass of your setback; it is time to focus on the many positive aspects of your retirement. I love to meditate on:

But anyone who is alive in the world of the living has some hope; a live dog is better off than a dead lion.

Fight for the top

  •  Equip Yourself For Continuous Self-Improvement 

    This can be achieved through acquisition of new skills, reading of books related to your line of interest, attending seminars, learning from others that succeeded in areas where you have not excelled. Setback sometimes results because of knowledge gap- this period in one’s life is an opportunity to remedy the gap.

  • The reward for your investment in self improvement would come in various forms like -new doors of opportunities for you, renewed self confidence, boost in your self esteem as you prepare for a new start etc.
  •  Meet New Significant Contacts To Start Something New 

The people you know and relate with play a significant role in how you react to setbacks. You should seek and meet new people who can help you or inspire you to become a better person. Find out why they were successful and the challenges they had conquered. Be committed to a new start and continue till you get to your destination.

When our life is shaken up, it’s a chance to start something new. A time like this is an opportunity to fill your life with new meaning and discover some talents that had been lying dormant.

  •  Don’t Give Up: Take Consistent Regular Step Forward Towards Fulfilling Your Vision 

Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.”

Fear of the unknown can keep you glued to a place that is no longer serving you. When you summon the courage to take that first step into the unknown, new doors begin to open.

Now is the time to take that crucial step forward. Don’t be scared rather remember God’s promise to be with you all the way. Go at your own pace but make that first move.

Every new endeavor requires commitment, energy and perseverance to get it going. Life is full of challenges and set-backs; it is rare to meet someone whose life has been a complete bed of sweet pleasures.

Challenges give us perspective, empathy, humility, and a thick skin.

You only get the reward and experience the thrill of success if you endure to the end.

Don’t allow fear or disappointment to hinder you, try again and again until you become firmly rooted.

  •  Be Grateful For What Has Worked And People That Are With You 

It’s difficult to be grateful when things are not alright but it is important for us to see beyond our present circumstances. Every experience of life has a lesson that can help you become better at what you are doing. A thankful person will always receive more.

Be grateful to God for the people and resources He endowed you with; appreciate the people that have stood by you. Enjoy what you have.

Thank [God] in everything [no matter what the circumstances may be, be thankful and give thanks], for this is the will of God for you [who are] in Christ Jesus [the Revealer and Mediator of that will].


  • The valley though painful and trying for a retiree; has also caused the persevering ones to rise up with new strength, wisdom, clarity, compassion and humility as they step to the mountain top of success. They were able to venture into new territory because of the experience they acquired in the valley.
  • We have heard of retirees that made significant progress when they were advanced in age.
  • Nigeria has produced Presidents that got there when they were advanced in age and after setbacks: Past President Olusegun Obasanjo and President Mohammed Buhari are good examples of people that didn’t give up despite the odds against them. It takes hunger, resilience, courage and persistent to get to the position of prominence.
  • Be hungry for life outside the valley. If you hunger for it long enough you will seek for solution and God will satisfy your hunger.


Psalms 92: 12-14 (NKJV)
The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree; He shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Those who are planted in the house of the Lord Shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bear fruit in old age; They shall be fresh and flourishing,

Our experiences in the valley greatly equip us for what lies ahead outside the valley if we are careful enough to evaluate the lessons.

Make a decision to get out of the valley to the mountain top for it is on the mountain your faith will be renewed, hope will be restored, your strength will increase, new visions will become clearer, you can see open doors of opportunity, the mountain top has enough room for prosperity and rest. On the mountain top the lessons from the valley will become handy.

In short the mountain top offers you an opportunity for a fresh start.

The journey is easier and has eternal value when you rely on God for help. To enjoy the inner strength offered by God through Christ you need to establish a relationship with Him.

ISAIAH 40: 29-31 (CEV)
The Lord gives strength to those who are weary. Even young people get tired, then stumble and fall. But those who trust the Lord  will find new strength. They will be strong like eagles soaring upward on wings; they will walk and run without getting tired.

I am positive the information in this post will help you confront and overcome retirement challenges as they occur. Feel free to share the link to this post with friends. Use it to equip others to confront Retirement challenges and motivate them to move on in life.

Remember to comment and let me how it benefited you.  Please advertise or donate to support the maintenance and sustenance of the Website so it can continue to provide valuable rich content. I will consider topics suggested by in my subsequent posts. Post your suggestions in the comments.

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Handcraft in retirement showing Some of my bead work

Handcraft in retirement is essential in order to enjoy a balanced and healthy life after leaving paid employment. No matter how busy we are in life; a time comes when we have to slow down so as to age gracefully. Handcraft in retirement will keep you busy in a relaxed and fun way although you … Read more



Banking career is a sought after profession that is relevant in every Society and will remain so for long. Gradual introduction of robots to take over jobs cannot replace the need for human interface in the Banking Industry. Bankers will still be required to act as medium for virtual money and online businesses.

I have come across young graduates who consider Banking a good career choice without knowing what the job actually entails. Haven worked in the Banking sector for over two decades I consider it a good career choice based on my experience. Hence this post our young graduates would have a feel of Banking even before submitting job applications.


Banks play vital role in any economy as they handle a commodity desired by everyone. This account for why Bankers are held in high esteem as such a career in Banking  is therefore considered honorable. In addition Banks have a visual appealing working environment with up to date infrastructures and technology. Consequently job seekers feel secured if recruited by a Bank.

Besides Banks offers more benefits to graduates when compared with some other professions. Such benefits include:

  • Good salaries paid promptly hence staff are sure of meeting food and basic necessities at month end.

  • Employees get to meet people and win their trust. Also they get to prove their worth which endears people to them.

  • Bankers can be depended on when it comes to issue of confidentiality.

  • Employees gain recognition and there is opportunity to grow on the job.


You can benefit from wide variety of employment opportunities offered by Banks to graduates. Specifically Banks have front and back offices which accommodate graduates from any field of study. Furthermore young graduates can easily fit into one of the numerous sections in view of the Bank’s training program in place.

Bank’s have employees that:

  1. Handle Customer’s cash
  2. Take care of the Technical and Technology aspect
  3. Work on Credit related issues
  4. Are Marketers sourcing for funds
  5. Handle the Bank’s security needs
  6. Coordinate advertisement.

The opportunities are limitless for graduates from almost every field of study in the Banking sector.

Banks provides adequate training for newly recruited staff to make them integrate seamlessly with existing work processes.

After years of work Bankers acquire diverse skills and people management art that society begin to see them as near perfection. Notwithstanding a young job seeker need to have basic qualification that can be improved upon during the working career.


Graduates with a first  degree in Banking and Finance, Accounting and the Social Sciences are suitable as Bank employees but generally Banks are not too rigid on these degrees alone. Graduates require a good degree to enable them communicate well and understand instructions in addition to interpreting  figures.

Similarly a second degree and professional qualification is essential for accelerated growth on the job.

As an aspiring Banker acquisition of professional qualification will be an added advantage to your career. The Chartered Institute of Bankers conducts the Banking professional examinations in Nigeria. Read more about the requirement from CIBN


Academic qualifications only will not sustain or guarantee your success as a Banker. You need to complement your certificate with essential personal attributes. Example of these attributes are:

The naive or inexperienced person [is easily misled and] believes every word he hears, But the prudent man [is discreet and astute and] considers well where he is going.
 A slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes rich.

The integrity and moral courage of the upright will guide them, But the crookedness of the treacherous will destroy them.

In all the work you are doing, work the best you can. Work as if you were doing it for the Lord, not for people.

 Smart people keep quiet about what they know, but stupid people advertise their ignorance.

The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy.

A man’s pride and sense of self-importance will bring him down, But he who has a humble spirit will obtain honor.


I bet you are thinking Banking Career is sweet all the way! This thinking may not be correct for you will encounter saints and sinners in the course of your career. Be prepared to face the challenges posed by each group.

You can avoid falling victim of trials in Banking when are on guard bearing in mind that not everyone coming to the Bank have genuine intentions. Some are sinners in disguise whose only motive is to defraud the Bank and bolt away with money. With this in mind you should not be overly friendly with customers or potential customers as it could make you become susceptible to the antics of these fraudsters.

Bank Robberies

There are risks of armed robberies in the Bank which are known to have sometimes claim the lives of some bank staff. This should not scare you as every career has it’s own peculiar risk. You just need to exercise care and be prayerful so as not to fall prey when these bad elements operate.

Extended Working Hours

Banking career entails long hours of work therefore you may sometimes have to work late into the night. This could expose you to unscrupulous elements so make adequate arrangement to mitigate the inconvenience.

Loss of Your Savings

Banks will sometimes compel staff to refund losses incurred on transactions. Such refunds could be for:

  • Customers unpaid facilities
  • Cash shortages declared by tellers
  • Drawings improperly authorized
  • Losses incurred as a result of work negligently done.

These repayments could be your entire life savings or even terminal benefits hence you need to learn to work with caution.

Arrest By Government Agencies Due To:

  • Customer’s complaints
  • Work decisions that run foul of financial regulations
  • Incidence of Fraud

In view of this choose your friends wisely and be focused. Furthermore avoid open display of your assets or wealth and be conservative.


I know from experience that Banking career is dynamic requiring a dynamic person that can advance with the trend. A young graduate having what it takes will record a rewarding and fulfilling career.

Below Are Some Tips For a Successful Banking Career

Banking career involves working with figures

  • Be Professional in all your dealings.
  • Your signature is authority, guard the use jealously. In addition be ready and able to defend transactions you authorized even in years to come.
  • Familiarize yourself with financial regulations.
  • Be meticulous and document every transaction properly. Also do not satisfy customers by sidelining procedures or guidelines.
  • In addition to training offered by the Bank always improve your knowledge skill constantly especially in Technology.
  • Dont live a life defined for you by people. Always be whom you are “YOURSELF”
  • In addition maintain a high level of integrity.
  • Banking career is time consuming so be wise and learn to maintain a balance between work and your personal life.
  • Maintain a healthy relationship with the people outside for these are people you will relate with when the Banking career comes to an end.
  • Be prayerful, give God priority in your life and He will guide you.

Despite the trials and sometimes travails of Banking, the career is enjoyable as it also has it’s thrills. If Banking career is what interests you then go for it as you will not discover your strength if you dont try it out.


I pray God will give you the necessary wherewithal to make a mark as you acquire your own life career experience.

Equipped with this knowledge you are in possession of tools that will aid your success as a would be Banker.

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