Career Choice: Life Time Decision IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION



We usually have a pre conceived idea of a career choice when we are just starting out in life. This is true for growing kids and greatly influences their choice of academic pursuit and skill acquisition. Despite acquiring relevant skill and degree not all of them will stick to the career they started with for life. Career choice is an important life decision that should be given serious consideration. You should make choices based on what you love that also fit into your desired life style.

Career Decision: Photography an option for one that loves working in an informal setting.
Career Decision: Photography an option for one that loves working in an informal setting.

Picking The Right Career

Career choice should not be done hurriedly. You need to know what suits you and what you love in order to pick a career that is right. If you love to be on the move or in an informal setting; a regulated office job might not be for you. Career in Accounting or Computing could be tasking and inappropriate for someone that has phobia for figures or coding. You need to discover your area of strength and pick a career that will fit.

What Informs Choice of Career

Career choice is influenced by various factors. Children get fascinated by what they see the people around them especially parents doing. I remember my son as a child will always say he wants to be a Banker and a Pastor because that was what he saw me doing. As he grew older and entered into college his choices changed because he developed a mind of his own. Those two professions are no longer on his list because he overcame that childhood fantasy.  It is not every child that overcome that initial fantasy especially if they have parents that are pressuring them to follow a predefined career. Such children may not derive fulfillment or be able to tap into their abundant potentials.

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