I present to you a short intro of me. The facts presented on this page are worth reading. I am Eyiyemi Nwajei but my close pals simply call me Yemi. I have found fulfillment in life despite moments of struggle and difficulties. The sweet part is that I am still living; all by the mercy of the Almighty GOD. The more I live the more the lessons and discoveries. There seems to be no end to the knowledge acquisition and the quest for more.
MY Distinguishing Feature: What do I do with so much!
Life is sweet but temporary; I can only be remembered for things of value done to positively impact the life of another. In the years I have spent on earth I owe some people a debt of gratitude for they sowed good seeds into my life that boost my development.
Far greater than the joy of receiving; my greatest satisfaction and fulfillment were experienced when I give to others and their faces become aglow with happiness because they just got a solution to a problem. I am always so grateful to my Creator that I had the opportunity to make a small difference.Giving is not just about money it includes tangible and intangible things. Some intangible gifts can open avenues of growth and inflow of resources that would transform the life of the recipient. We all have something extra that can fulfill a need of someone if we look closely. I am determined by the grace of God to give back to Society a fraction of what I have received. I hope to achieve this by sharing tips and principles that are ingredients of growth.The foundation of what I know today were laid by my dear parents. Aunties and Uncles within the family, community where I grew up and the teachers that taught me in the classroom years back built on that foundation. The day to day practical application of classroom theory and use of what Society has offered me has helped to solidify me. The advent of easy accessibility to Technology played a significant role in the solid structure I have become. The downside and upside of life experiences have help to sharpen me for the task ahead.
Modest achievements that qualify me to be able to give back to Society includes my ability to Read and Write, award of Fellow by the Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria, BA (Theology) from LIFE Bible College. Eighteen months spent attending lectures for an MBA program in Management Technology, various short courses and Seminars in Leadership, Business, Technology and Spiritual. I attended the 2017 edition of The World Conference of Banking Institutes .
My major career life had always majorly being in the Financial sector. I spent over two decades actively in paid employment in the Financial Sector of the economy. I acquired experience analyzing Businesses and Credits. Some of my years were spent as a trainer in a Bank’s training School. My compassion to build others up received more boost from my interaction with people as a Minister of the gospel helping people to discover themselves and their God given vision. My years of Pastoral training and impacting knowledge has become a passion that cannot be swept aside hence I continue to utilize resources at every every opportunity to ensure my distinguishing feature and potential is not wasted.
I love trying my hands on new things that captivates my interest. I derive joy from making a try even though I didnt succeed in all in monetary terms but the knowledge gained cannot be quantified..
For relaxation and personal pleasure I play the Keyboard, both Alto and Tenor saxophone, read the Bible in different translations, make comparism and apply it to my daily living. I love Photography, Knitting, Crotchet craft, Bead craft, Bead and Wire work Jewelry making, Home gardening, Baking, Graphics designing; exploring packages like Photoshop, PowerPoint, Coreldraw, Microsoft Publisher and some other online graphic tools. I give free beading tutorials on my other site: www.ybh.recipe4growth.com.
Distinguishing feature reflect in my love for wise use of time. I love keeping busy and I am a great fan of my handiwork. There is no end to my discoveries as I use my distinguishing feature within the time frame God has graciously given me. For as long as there is life who knows other things I can attempt in the near future if Jesus tarries! Visit my site often for updates and new tips.
More than for relaxation I had engaged in Fish farming, School Administration and Retail sales.
Now I find fulfillment in Web Designing with special interest on WordPress Content Management platform. I also teach would be users or others that seeks to build upon their online skill.
My Entrepreneurial development activities includes giving Talks and Seminars, Organizing Financial Empowerment/Leadership Training.
Doing some of these were really tough. There were moments I shed tears of frustration just as there were celebration of successes.
The great, greater and greatest of it all is my personal relationship with Christ Jesus. I had stumbled several times on bumpy roads in my journey with Him but He has always faithfully picked me up. He has been my inner strength and my reason for more quest in excellence.
I believe you will learn something of value from my site and blog post but you cannot eliminate the God factor in whatever tips I give; for in Him I live and have my being.
Now that you know all about me, please join my moving train as I share recipe for growth tips. I know by GOD’s grace it will impact positively on your Business, Career, Lifestyle and your Spirituality. My mission is “GROW TOGETHER”. I also hope to learn from your feedback and comments which will help improve on my blog content.
Looking forward to a great time together as I am sure you will definitely be a great fan of my blog!
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