INCREASE GREATNESS: God has endowed you for increase greatness. Just unwrap the gift in Psalm 71 verse 21.

 Increase Greatness in Your Finances   

We tend to easily believe Bible promises of increase greatness that relates to spiritual living, protection or healing. When it has to do with finance or wealth we hesitate for we think financial comfort is outside God’s will for us. Personally I have no doubt that God wants us to succeed as evidenced by the potentials He deposited in each individual. I therefore encourage you to explore yours and tap into the resources He has endowed you with.

The patriarchs were successful and wealthy and God that made them great has remained unchanged till now.

Growth or enlargement is one obvious sign of increase greatness that cannot be hidden from people. Your greatness is not measured by the amount of money you are able to stockpile.

It is assessed by the advancement from where you were yesterday, where you are today and your future direction.

 Essential Conditions for Accessing Increase Financial Greatness  

Increase greatness does not manifest without an effort or hunger for it. The enemy can only suppress your seed from sprouting if you are not prepared to pay the price demand for increase greatness.

  • Laban tried to suppress Jacob yet Jacob remained committed and eventually he was rewarded for his faithfulness.
  • Joseph passed through affliction and hardship but he still stepped into position of honour because he focused on his dream.

The invisible seed God has endowed you with cannot be taken away except you willingly surrender it without a fight.

Conditions for increase greatness

 Surrender and Dependence  

Your part is to till the ground and plant good seeds but you need God to make it sprout and bear harvestable fruit. You need to relate with God by surrendering and depending on Him for blessing and direction so that your labour will not be in vain.

Psalm 71:3 Be my rock of safety where I can always hide. Give the order to save me, for you are my rock and my fortress.(NLT)

 Be Armed With Prayer Weapon For Increase Greatness  

Prayer should be your handy and valuable weapon if you sincerely desire greatness or want to prevent decrease or lack of growth. The fight for increase greatness is not an easy one.

Our battle for financial increase goes beyond working hard or the uncertainty of the business climate. We war against unseen forces that plants weed among our seeds just to frustrate us and make us doubt the authenticity of God’s word. Don’t be complacent or lazy but ensure your prayer line to God is always functional.

Psalm 71: 4-5
My God, rescue me from wicked people, from the power of cruel and evil people. Sovereign Lord, I put my hope in you; I have trusted in you since I was young (GNT)

 Praise Gratitude  

No matter how small the resources at your disposal avoid grumbling and appreciate God for it. We disregard the importance of what God has given us because we overwhelmed by the success of others.

Be grateful for yours because God knows your peculiarity and what you can achieve with your unique potentials.

Psalms 71:16  I will come with the mighty deeds of the Almighty Lord. I will praise your righteousness, yours alone(GOD’S WORD)

 Be Ready to Tell of God’s Good Deeds  

Psalms 71:15  My mouth shall tell of Your righteous acts and of Your deeds of salvation all the day, for their number is more than I know. (AMP)

When you are proud of what you have then talk freely about it. As more people get to know what you possess and they begin to spread the word round it will be increasing your chances of growth.

 Leave the Past Behind  

Life consist of rising and falling; it is not every decision that turns out sweet but that should not deter us from making further attempt.

Dont dwell on the bitter past rather be positive of your anticipated future results that will lead to increase greatness.

Psalms 71:20 Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up (NIV)

 Increase Greatness: Ready to Step into New Ground  

Be ready to move because God is the one in control. Change is something we don’t accept easily because we don’t know what is wrapped in the future.

Psalms 73:25-26 As long as I have you, I don’t need anyone else in heaven or on earth. My body and mind may waste away, but God remains the foundation of my life and my inheritance forever (GOD’S WORD )

Abraham had to move into a new land in obedience and He had increased greatness. Aside from being a wealthy man while alive He left inheritance for all his children.


You can not experience greatness without preparation. The Increased financial greatness is a wrapped gift from God that needs to be opened by you. So long as you leave the package unwrapped you will not enjoy the benefits attached to the gift.

Greatness is two way- God fulfilling his part and you working your part. Caleb was promised an inheritance when he brought good report concerning the promised land and his inheritance was already a wrapped package. It was there for over forty years until at age 85 when he arranged and went to battle to claim it. As a result of working his part he died a prosperous man leaving a good name supported with material possession for his children.

Prayer, fasting and church attendance does not preclude you from working or taking the steps needed for increase greatness.

Unwrap your gift of increase greatness

You need to take these urgent Steps

  • Invest in your Spiritual Life

  • Enhance Your Personality

  • Upgrade Your Training

  • Invest in Up to date Equipment

  • Be Technologically Compliant

  • Seek for Better Ways of Marketing

  • Advertise and Publicize always. Let more and more people know what you are doing and what you can do.

Increase greatness need to be prepared for beforehand. If you want to wine and dine with Kings then there must be improvement or changes in what you had or were before.

Prayer to Sustain Increase Greatness

  • God direct me on the path I should go and give me grace to fulfill my part.

  • Please let provision for each stage of my progress be readily available.

  • Subdue powers that are too strong for me. Let them not destroy my harvest or limit my increase.

  • Increase greatness manifests when God bless your work and cause you to reap harvest of financial increase.

Read more of God’s promises and compare various  Bible versions for better understanding. You can create an account with YouVersionBible and download more versions. Just click the button below. Bible Versions

Increased greatness is abundance that cannot be measured. From today you shall begin to fulfill your destiny of financial greatness. God will not allow anyone to know the source of your greatness and neither will they be able to limit you in Jesus name.

 There will be new post for Daily Soul Feast from time to time. I pray that as you read these articles and apply  the principles to your life; God will transform you to pursue your dreams fearlessly in Jesus Name.

I challenge you to work on whatever you have on hand and share your experience. Please share this post freely. I will be glad to read your comment or contributions. Will also be glad to know if this post benefited you in any way.

Be Great Always in Jesus Name.


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