When God commanded that we should be strong and courageous He was in a way telling us to trust in Him. He has armed us for all the battles we will ever face in our lifetime. We have what the enemies can never have. The presence of God is a strong tower of protection. When we run to this tower through Jesus Christ He will make us as bold as a lion.

God is faithful to His promise

This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9 (NLT)


Prayers for grace to be Strong and Courageous

  1. Lord help me to be presentable for Your protection.

2. Blot away every sin in me that can cause me to lose Your protection.

3. Give strength to my weak bones. Help me to always look to You for strength.

4. When I am afraid open my eyes to see Your great army that is fighting my battle at Your command.

5. Please protect my most cherished gift, Your free gift of salvation that has qualified me to move freely in Your presence.

6. Guard my steps to always stay within the canopy of protection that you have provided for me. Extend Your protection to my children and loved ones.

All this I pray for through Jesus Christ. (Amen)

For more prayers visit my Facebook page and connect. You can also follow me on Instagram for the daily tips your soul requires or read my tweets on twitter.  The Word of God is rich and inexhaustible the more you read the better you become. Visit here for complete daily verse for a month.

Appreciate God with these Hymns I am pressing on the upward way  and new heights I am gaining everyday also There is not a friend like they lowly Jesus. You can get more hymns on my YouTube channel

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