Plantain and Banana were the first plants to grace my backyard garden some years ago. I purchased the baby plants called suckers from hawkers in traffic for a very small amount. I bought two of each out of curiosity and planted in a small space out of which two dried off as a result only two survived.

Interestingly from those two survivors I harvested a lot. Many people have had a taste of the plantains and bananas including strangers. The yield from a single plantain plant is always more than what I can eat alone hence I share with others as a result I am able to do that which God wants.

Leviticus 19:9-10
“When you harvest the crops of your land, do not harvest the grain along the edges of your fields, and do not pick up what the harvesters drop.

It is the same with your grape crop—do not strip every last bunch of grapes from the vines, and do not pick up the grapes that fall to the ground. Leave them for the poor and the foreigners living among you. I am the Lord your God. (NLT)

Aside from the harvest the plantain plants produce suckers which replaces the dying ones and provide enough to start another farm elsewhere. In addition to the suckers I have more than thirty plants scattered in the backyard garden that are either fruiting or near fruiting.


Gardening requires some constant work but rarely do you incur total loss. There is always a return no matter how small to show for our effort which I believe this is God’s way of letting us know His word can always be trusted to manifest.

Genesis 8:22  For as long as Earth lasts, planting and harvest, cold and heat, Summer and winter, day and night
will never stop.” (MSG)

I find plantains and baGrowing plantains near fencenanas very easy to nurture as they require minimal maintenance.

Both plants grows reasonably tall and have wide leaves that gives shade. They can be planted near the fence or strategic locations to beautify the premises in addition to providing food.

Present in my garden are the dwarf specie of bananas which are said to be hybrid and they do produce heavy bunch of fruit.

Heavy bunch of fruit from the dwarf banana specie. They need to be eaten fast as they do not store well.


The non hybrid local bananas have been a bit difficult to grow hence I am yet to record success . They share similar traits with the plantain and are very tall. The first set I planted were destroyed by some of my hired labourers. They could differentiate between weeds and the banana plants as a result they to pull out the banana plants in addition to the weeds. By the time I came back to supervise they had already cleared some of my precious plants alongside the weeds. I am presently tending new sets and eagerly waiting to see them fruiting.


You have to prepare the place where you want to grow either the plantain or banana. Ascertain the number your land can accommodate as they produce offshoots very fast . They will thrive in a place where the soil is rich usually what we refer to as black soil and availability of water. I use poultry waste as an alternative to artificial artificial fertilizer. You can also use cow manure or old compost to increase the nutrients available for your plant. My motivation is to grow something healthier than the ones produced commercially. Unlike other crops; plantains are not started from seeds but from suckers that are readily available from people that already have the plants.


For wider coverage or bigger parcel of land you get suckers  from farmers that have plantation. Plantain and banana produces young ones even before flowering or fruiting. The suckers get so many such that if you don’t pull off some or transplant elsewhere it will over time affect the overall productivity of your plant. Hence farmers give out suckers at a reasonable cost and you may even get them for free especially if the requirement is just a few plants for the home garden.


On receipt of the suckers dig the already prepared patch of land giving at least four feet space between two plants. They need room to thrive and require constant weeding, As they get bigger the need for weeding reduces as the shade prevent other plants from growing. I once planted cabbage under tall plantains believing the cabbage will benefit from the cool area but the lack of sunlight did not make them thrive.

new suckers picture
Weeds competing with my transplanted suckers.


Within a short time of growth plantains and bananas start bringing offshoots around the base. This ensures continuous production as these offshoots replaces the old ones which only produces once and die off. Plantains and bananas can grow for years if given basic maintenance. If left unchecked suckers may become too many competing for nutrients. Hence there is need to trim down to about three or four to give adequate room for growth. The suckers removed can be planted elsewhere  or disposed.

Depending on the age of the sucker planted and adequate provision of water; they can start flowering within six months.

Knowing when Plantain and Banana Plants Matures

Plantains and Bananas usually start flowering from around six to seven months depending on variety.

From the time the male and female flowers come out you will still need to wait for at least three months before the plantain fruits called fingers will mature enough for harvest. The fingers come out very slender but it continues to get bigger each day. During this period they require a lot of water. When the rains slow down I try to channel water to them so as to harvest fruits that are reasonable in size.

Time to Harvest Your Plantain or Banana

I usually harvest when I see at least one finger changing from green to a light yellowish colour. If left to ripe on the tree they become prey to birds that like feeding on them too. My plantain plants are usually very tall but it does not deter me from bringing down the fruit. I use a very sharp machete to cut it down as close as possible to the bunch.

When harvesting be careful of the liquid it produces . It is difficult cleaning them from any surface or clothes it touches.

What I do with my plantain harvest

Plantain and Bananas are one favorite garden produce that never goes to waste. I eat and give out.

Methods of preparation

  • Frying- Peel, slice into small sizes and fry. The fried plantain can be eaten with other food like rice, beans, potatoes, etc
  • Boiling – Cut into small sizes with the skin intact and boil. Eat the boiled plantain with vegetable or any rich soup sauce.
  • Roasting – I use the oven or microwave for this. I peel and oil the plantain a little before placing in the oven.
  • Making it into powder – Peel unripe plantain and allow to dry in the sun.
    • Grind into fine powder and prepare same way like semovita. Amala or tuwo looks like plantain paste too.
  • One way of eating plantain is to turn it to chips.

In Conclusion

Plantain is prepared in various form but the above are the ways I personally utilize them. The bananas can be made into smoothies and served chilled.  I keep African Giant snails that love to eat plantains and banana too. I seldom feed the snails plantains or banana rather I let them have the peels and I guess they are a little thankful for that!

I hope this is enough to get you inspired to plant some in your backyard. For more

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