For years I had dreams of having a presence online. My set goal was to personally design and get the site go live at little or no cost. My objective for the Website was Information sharing. I already determine the niche I will focus on: “Empowering People for Positive Growth”.
I gathered so many materials, read wide and in my mind I could visualize what my website looks like. While the picture of the website was already engraved in my heart, I just didn’t gather enough courage to release the beautiful picture to the world. Year after year I kept postponing; seeking for the perfect time and without warning ten good years had gone by! Time really flies so fast and without warning; if care is not taken one can easily dream to the grave without bringing to birth all the conceived dreams and ideas.
My Website and blogging dream got delayed but I knew it could still become reality. I had to tackle my fears headlong by first ascertaining what they were.
So many thoughts made realization of my Website and Blogging dream scary:
- Fear of not doing a perfect job
- How to gather the resources to start
- How do I set up the site
- If my write up will attract interested readers
- If the write ups will meet the expectations of the readers
- Passion and sincere desire
- Academic qualifications
- Over two decades in the Financial sector
- About a decade of teaching and hosting Financial Empowerment Seminars
- Testimonials from some of the Seminars I had hosted
- My fairly reasonable knowledge of Technology
“The more I thought I had what it takes to build my Website and make it in blogging the more I am overwhelmed by what I don’t have”.
Sometimes taking a new step or charting a new course comes with fear and confusion. One thing that has given me the victory in the past years is the God factor.
Whenever I quit relying on what I can and cannot do and hand over to the Supreme Being, He gives me word of assurance and with time my eyes become open to the path I am supposed to follow. It was no different for the Website and blogging pursuit.
Isaiah 41:13 For I am the Lord, your God,
who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear;I will help you.(NIV)
Finally no more procrastination I confronted my fear headlong and began serious work of preparation.
I started two sub domain blogs on It felt good having them as an introductory blog reminding me each day of the bigger picture. It was fun checking the blog names online and see them pop up on Google.
Although it was a good start and better than not achieving anything I knew that was not my destination. My goal was to own a self hosted domain. I almost got trapped by my small success, for I began to see it as a possible replacement for the bigger one ahead. I only made progress when I stopped dwelling on the small success. Therefore I convinced myself that owning and hosting my blog site at a minimal cost was doable and will only become a done deal if I quit making excuses to justify my unending procrastination.
Taking that first step for the commencement of my Website and blogging journey was crucial to my eventual success. It is so amusing how the fear of what lies ahead could become so intimidating. Despite relying on God’s guidance for each step of the way I still had to start with baby steps. I made mistakes but as I corrected each mistake I was actually making progress and getting closer to my goal.
Until I trusted God without inhibitions and stopped insisting He gives me a glimpse of what the end will look like; only then did I have the courage to take that bold step.
Finally I am glad I won over those fears. If you are reading this piece it is an attestation that my site is up. It may not have too many pages or posts but the site of one thousand pages or posts started with the creation of one page and one post. For as long as I hold on to my original dream the site will not be static it will grow day by the day as I keep adding something of value.
I can now begin to live my dream of empowering others with the knowledge and experience I have acquired in the over half century I have spent on this planet earth and in my beautiful Country Nigeria.
I have learnt that there is always a learning curve for whatever I am doing and this applies to everyone. You need to be flexible and open to new ideas and be ready for improvement.
Is there something you desire so much? Start by trusting God for strength and guidance. Be determined and commence from where you are even if it doesnt seem too great or big. You don’t die by making an attempt rather you learn from mistakes and your experience from those mistakes will motivate you to do it better the next time you try.
Don’t let fear hinder you. There may be bumps on the way to achieving your dreams or ambition but you can always make a way around the bumpy road and move ahead.
In concluding I encourage you to navigate all the pages as there will be more articles for:
and lots more.Thanks for visiting my site. Were you encouraged by my post? Leave your comments and share thoughts of those dreams you hesitated before starting, how you were eventually able to confront your fears and got moving.
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