GO RCCG is Still a Star of attraction and trending.
Why Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye GO RCCG is Still a Star of Attraction and Trending at Seventy Eight
2ND MARCH 2020
When a person carries God’s seal of acceptance he can not remain in obscurity. That is the case with Pastor Adeboye a man of God that both friends and foes call Daddy GO. Today is his 78th Birthday and the drums are rolling for him.
He may not be an earthly President or Head of State but Heads of States recognize that the authority Pastor Adeboye carries is an extraordinary one that comes from God the owner and distributor of power; power that subdues the seen and the unseen challenges of life.
Why Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye GO RCCG is Still a Star of Attraction and Trending at Seventy Eight
Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye is the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God. As expected his members have activities lined up to make the day memorable; one of which is the RCCG 78 hours marathon praise festival in addition to the birthday messages on social media.
When a person’s ways please the LORD, He makes even the person’s enemies live at peace with him and acknowledge the good in him.
Today encomium is being showered upon Pastor Adeboye by all and sundry because he has consistently impacted lives positively in his seventy eight years on earth. Let us remain unshaken in our faith in Christ.
Why Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye GO RCCG is Still a Star of Attraction and Trending at Seventy Eight
May the heavens continue to celebrate this great man of God. For the remaining years God has assigned to him to be a blessing to humanity may he not falter but rather may he finish strong in Jesus name.
May the seed of the gospel that he has sown all over the world continue to germinate and bear seeds that will gladden the heart of God.
We can learn from this great man of God and motivate one another to love and do great deeds.
He is Daddy GO to everyone that appreciate the Spirit of God operating in him. Happy Birthday Sir. May you continue to operate in and radiate God’s glory Sir.


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For more tips visit my Facebook page and connect. You can also follow me on Instagram or tweet on twitter. As you meditatively worship Him with songs you also receive healing for your soul. Worship God often so you can daily mature spiritually. Visit here for lyrics and tonic solfa to Songs you can use for worship and messages
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Sing Hymns as they are good for worship and are prayers in itself. Prayer Hymns to meditate and appreciate God with NEARER MY GOD TO THEE and THOU GOD OF BURNING CLEANSING FLAME The hymns contain the lyrics and tonic solfa for ease of singing. You can get more hymns on my YouTube channel
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